Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The art of speaking with a representative over the phone

Have you ever needed to call your bank or some other place of business if you will for help? It can be quite a draining endeavor if you don't do it properly, not to mention exceptionally infuriating. Its always good to start off with stating your name so that you can limit the amount of time you have to spend on the phone with this person, listening to them breath as they look up your information. Also, state your discrepancy immediately, that way they can just type type type away and get you on with your life. Some things that I have notes are key factors in deciding the time you spend on the phone with a representative. First, know everything about what you are asking so that they don't have to look it up, like if its a bank transaction, know which one, I called my bank today, spoke with one 'Mary Foreman' for 30 minutes because I did not follow this simple rule. So as my patients wore thin from listening to her inhale and exhale loudly, like she was trying to wolf down a child on the other end, she ended up not being able to aid me in my quest for said transactions. Now I have to call again later to sort this whole thing out. Some interesting facts that I have come across thus far in my travels, and by travels I of course mean sadly staring at my computer and television screens.

1) A representative on the phone, has not once, ever sneezed whilst still on the phone with me.
2) Nor have they burped
3) Or farted loud enough for me to hear for that matter
4) Never have I been able to make a representative so mad that they hang up on me.
5) When was the last time you were in a good mood while calling a representative to resolve a problem?...
6) Calling a representative is a complete and utter halt to anything and everything you were doing at that very moment, think about it.
7) While they took 20 minutes to look up you information, think about what you've day dreamed about, I personally drift off to slaying dragons while riding unicorns.

Thanks, stay tuned, more coming your way.

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